End-to-end Contract Management Made Simple!

Every contract is an asset. They will either make you money or cost you money. Either way – it is time to standardize your contract request-to-renewal processes and eliminate data and document risks.

Contract Lifecycle Management – it’s all about your workflow and automation

Let us help you review your contract management challenges.
Together we can create streamlined and optimized processes that will drive consistent and repeatable results.

Better Information

Centralzie all data, dates, and documents ina single source of truth. PoseidonCM’s easy to customize platform helps you optmize all your contract management efforts (search, workflow, alerts, reports/dashboards, review & approval, …)

Better Decisions

Consistent contract management processes will eliminate errors/risk from manual processes and position you to proactively negotiate better results with your third party contracting entities.


Standardize every part of your contract management processes. Optimize each process to drive efficiencies to your teams. Automate as much as you can to make sure the right information (data & documents) is captured at the right time, every time!


The last end-to-end contract management platform you will ever need.

All types of contract matter. Unlocking the details and actionable items in your contracts will help you protect the business and improve the bottom line.

Vendor Agreement Examples

  • Master Service Agreements (MSA)
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA)
  • Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • Addendums/SOWs
  • Maintenance Agreements
  • Warranty Agreements
  • W-9, SOC Reports, Code of Conduct, …

Client Agreement Examples

  • Business Associate Agreement (BAA)
  • Service/Support Agreements
  • Product/Service Agreements
  • Special Terms & Conditions
  • Quotes and Invoices
  • Volume and Pricing Agreements
  • Security and Compliance

Employee Agreement Examples

  • Employee Agreements
  • Consultant Agreements (1099)
  • Certification Tracking and Management
  • Non-Compete Agreements
  • Termination Agreements
  • Stock Considerations
  • Partnership Agreements

Other Agreement and Process Examples

  • Compliance (PFAS, Prop65, …) Response Management
  • Compliance Frameworks (CMMC, GDPR, PCI, SOC, …)
  • Internal and External Intake Forms
  • Onboarding/Offboarding Processes (Vendors, Clients,
  • Contractors, …)
  • Review & Approval Workflow
  • Document Create, Redline/Version, Collaboration, and
  • Negotiation
  • Risk Assessment and Vendor Tiering