By far the most common question asked from a new client is “how do we get our data and documents into a new platform to get started?” The answer is surprisingly simple. It is a two step process that we have used over the past 22 years. here are the high level details:
Step 1 – Data Migration
– Gather currently used spreadsheets and data exports from different applications
– Use the Import Wizard/Data Loader available from Poseidon to import the data
– This creates the records (Accounts, Contacts, Agreements, …) which we will migrate the documents to
Step 2 – Document Migration
– Either client will give us access to the shared file folders or we will use a OneDrive Folder to drag and drop Folders/Files
– We associate the files with the proper records (Accounts, Contacts, Agreements, …) with combination of import tools and manual effort
It always best to clean the data prior to the initial import but we can merge duplicate records and perform data clean up effort once the data in Poseidon using inline editing and other techniques.
If you have been considering a solution to help you streamline and optimize your organization-wide contract management efforts, have specific challenge areas, or would just like a sounding board for a few questions; you can schedule an appointment with us here:
If you want to learn more about managing contracts, check out our website –
Experience a two-week trial before making your decision. Don’t miss out!